What's better than scholarships?

Name your own price! Our goal has always been to make great hands-on practical learning available to everyone regardless of location or economy. For the first three years of the conference, we did that through scholarships and we are proud to have given 10% or more of total tickets as scholarships. But we realized that even the process of applying for a scholarship and asking for help might be keeping people from participating.

So, this year we are trying something new. You know best what price makes sense for your situation and the economy of where you live. So you can pick any discount that makes the ticket affordable when you check out! Of course, if your company is paying for your ticket, please pay the regular price. If you are paying for the ticket yourself, pay what you can! We want you to be able to participate and learn with us!

We also will be giving some completely free tickets to some of the not-for-profit organizations that share our vision of providing people with great cybersecurity learning:

On-Site Location Scholarships

Each of the on-site locations for DEATHCon is completely funded by ticket sales for that site, which are set by each site organizer. It is up to each site organizer whether they will be able to give a free or discounted ticket.

Sites that have a scholarship:

  • Tacoma: One free ticket to a student (watch BlueSky posts), and free tickets for volunteers
  • San Diego: TBD
  • Austin: TBD
  • Orlando: TBD
  • Montreal: TBD
  • Cordoba: TBD
  • Montreal: TBD
  • Edinburgh: TBD
  • Amsterdam: TBD
  • Oslo: TBD
  • Bonn: TBD
  • Kuala-Lumpur